Kerrang contents analysis
The editorial on the contents page has direct mode of address because it is addressing the audience as if they were their friends. Even though the editorial is on the contents page, the reader doesn’t have to read it. The editor talks about the articles in the magazine in his own words, so that the readers can learn more about those articles. The image of ‘Rob Zombie’ has been made bigger compared to the other images because it emphasises the genre of the magazine and they want the readers to see them first. When looking at the image you can see that its of the band on stage on tour, which the audience would want to see the band on their natural state on stage.
The articles and features are in capitals, this helps to emphasise the articles and text and make them stand out more to the rest of the writing. This makes the text easier to read, rather than having the text in small font. The information on the articles is in a smaller font compared to the actual article, this helps the readers to see the article or feature, and if they want to read what it is about then they can look underneath and see the information on it.
The colour scheme of the contents page is yellow, white, red and black, which is the same throughout this magazine issue. All of the important things that the editors want the readers to see first is highlighted in yellow, this makes them standout more. The only things that are in white is the magazine name and the issue number and the date that the magazine came out, this is because they are always on the contents page, so they get their own colour to connote this. The red is used for the page numbers, this is to make them stand out so that the readers know where to go to read that article/feature.
The main focus of the contents page is the music, this links with the interest of the target audience, this means that the editors are acknowledging what the target audience want to read about and the interests that the audience has. The language of the article is suitable for the target audience, its easy to understand and it has no technical words that could confuse the reader. The layout of the contents is simple in a way that has two sections, but can also be confusing on not knowing where to look first when you flick to that page.
I like the way that this contents page has been set out, because I don’t read music magazines the contents pages are very different when compared to the kinds of magazines I read, but the layout, the colour scheme, and the images all help with the genre of this magazine.
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